Public Participation Notice
  • Notice is hereby given that Midvaal Local Municipality has tabled the budget for the year 2021/2022,  any person who desires to comment on the tabled budget can download the below document for commentsDownload Public Particiaption Notice
Tabled Budget 2021/2022  - Download
Draft (tabled) medium term revenue and expenditure framework (mtref): 2021/2022 to 2023/2024 as required by section16 of the mfma
  • Extract of the draft (tabled) medium term revenue and expenditure framework (MTREF) from 2021/2022 to 2023/2024Download
  • The draft (tabled) medium term revenue and expenditure framework (MTREF) from 2021/2022 to 2023/2024Download
Adjustment Budget 2020/2021
  • Adjusted Budgets and Operating Budget of Council 2020/2021 Financial Year - Download
  • Adjustment Budget for the 2020/2021 Financial Year - Download
  • Roll Over Adjustment Budget for the 2020/2021 Financial Year - Download
Opertional Risk Register Download
Report on withdrawals in terms of section 11(4)(A) of the MFMA- 01/10/2020 to 31/12/2020 - Download 
Special Adjustment Budget 2020/2021
  • 2020/2021 Financial Year Approved on 29 APRIL 2021 - Download
Final Budget 2020/2021 
  • Midvaal Local Municipality Final Budget Document 2020/2021 - Download
  • Midvaal Local Municipality Final Tariffs 2020/2021 - Download
  • Midvaal Local Municipality Final Policies 2020/2021 - Download
Draft Budgets, Tariffs And Policies:
  • Council Resolution - Download
  • Draft Budget 2020/2021 - 2022/2023 - Download
  • Draft Procurement Plan - Download
  • Midvaal Local Municipality Draft Tariffs 2020/2021 -Download
  • Midvaal Local Municipality Draft Policies 2020/2021 - Download
Final Tariffs, Bylaws And Policies: